Miami County Economic Development Group Programs

Business Attraction

Industries whose operational requirements best match Miami County assets are targeted and contacted regarding investing in Miami County. Transportation access, skilled workforce, natural resources, and quality of life are among those factors featured in promoting the county as a viable site for new business investment. The Miami County EDA's marketing efforts include:

  • Advertisement and Promotion of available properties
  • Targeted marketing to include direct mail campaigns, industry trade shows, and more
  • Networking with other agencies that promote economic development
  • Maintaining a demographic and economic research data base
  • Working with owners of available industrial properties to ensure readiness for development

Business Development

 Miami County's existing business base is critical to the stability and growth of our local and regional economies. To that end, the Miami County EDA works closely with existing businesses to develop innovative and targeted strategies to exceed immediate needs, while planning for future growth and expansion. Continuing efforts in Miami County EDA's existing business development program include;

  • Forming strong working relationships and partnerships between existing businesses fostering networking and outsourcing
  • Through communication and site visits, gain an understanding of not only the products made within existing business but, the processes used in developing the product
  • Facilitate the transfer of technology and innovative products from universities and colleges to existing businesses to improve processes or offer opportunities for diversification or expansion
  • Serve as a "One Stop Shop" to solve immediate problems or facilitate the expansion and growth of existing businesses
  • Act as a liaison between existing business, local government, and the public sector.

Community Development

The Miami County EDA is committed to maintaining and improving Miami County's attractiveness as a place to live, work, and operate a business. The Miami County EDA works closely with local, state, and federal agencies, utility companies, educational institutions, and Miami County citizens to encourage infrastructure improvements, workforce development, education quality, recreational and cultural opportunities, and housing development.